Master Of Desire's FFR replays

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Song Results (Perf-Good-Avg-Miss-Boo) Max Combo Score Date
The Divine Suicide of K 2,013 - 256 - 30 - 33 - 36 628 1,796,250 7/2/12
Turn Soonest to the Sea 1,271 - 117 - 6 - 4 - 12 1,269 1,999,075 5/31/12
Flying High 1,728 - 136 - 1 - 4 - 2 1,255 2,241,575 5/26/12
Love Cheat! 1,949 - 215 - 21 - 9 - 14 625 1,754,160 5/25/12
Love Coloured Master Spark (LUV2 Remix) 1,758 - 138 - 11 - 4 - 4 1,413 2,417,135 5/25/12
Vertex BETA 1,533 - 193 - 21 - 8 - 11 544 1,438,680 5/25/12
Degenerates 1,517 - 149 - 21 - 7 - 42 971 1,844,470 5/25/12
Cosmic Orchestra 1,435 - 142 - 10 - 3 - 8 1,160 1,987,760 5/25/12
Flying High 1,676 - 168 - 21 - 4 - 4 876 1,843,835 5/24/12
Beauty Is In The Eyes Of The Beerholder 812 - 90 - 3 - 0 - 10 905 1,376,315 5/20/12
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